Before we go any further, we would like to take this opportunity to thank those who post their opinions and share their thoughts on Worlds so far, on what they both like and dislike. As avid gamers ourselves we keep an eye on all formats of feedback from video reviews to popular forum websites, and this both helps and informs us as they are very valuable forms of feedback. We are always aiming to improve Worlds as an experience. This leads us into our next point, and to talk about the upcoming patch.

The next big patch after this one, is very much a quality of life patch and should be addressing a number of issues that we have collated and addressed as being of high importance tweaks or features. As a game that’s based on LEGO building as its core, we have spent our time this patch on improving the building tools by tweaking their functionality and adding features to improve and enhance players ability to be creative with LEGO. We have also looked into many bug fixes and we are constantly looking into improving performance and stability on all formats moving forward. To us, Worlds is a living breathing project and one that, although isn’t counted as being in early access anymore, is one that we believe can be enhanced each time we create a big patch. Each big title update will often have a goal, this one was to enhance and improve the building experience and tools used to build, the next big patch will have a different function (Not telling ). In the coming weeks, we will be releasing the patch on all formats and an accompanying video created by the very talented Bear Parker to show off everything new, and to showcase the patch on our social media outlets. We look forward to you guys getting your hands on it and more importantly await the community’s feedback.

So without further ado, let’s see what is coming up for Worlds in Title Update 3! - The Planner Tool Introducing the Planner, a tool designed to build a house rapidly and with ease! Use the various materials and pre-built wall types to get your new house/town/city underway! You can find the Planner Tool underneath the Build Tool sub-menu options. Wall Building Another update to the Build tool!

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Instead of just tapping the button to place it, you can now hold the placement button to draw in an entire wall. Discoveries Grid changes After many content updates, DLC and Showcase Content, we’ve come to the conclusion that the Discovery Menu is no longer fulfilling its purpose. As a result, we’ve now added a tabbed system to make it much cleaner to find what you’re looking for, including the addition of Categories to help narrow down exactly what you’re after.

Oh, and to make things even simpler, we’ve added a search function so you can really narrow down the ever-expanding list of Discoveries. And check out the Silhouettes to the grids so you can see exactly how much you’re missing! Additionally, you can now delete Custom Characters and Custom LXFMLs too! Sorry that took a while! Camera Car Ever dreamed of being a Movie Director? Perhaps a YouTube personality?

Maybe you just love the idea of taking some lovely wallpaper worthy screenshots? Well we have the car for you!

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A vehicle that can be utilised by either one player or two, providing you with all you need to set some epic action sequences, or possibly re-create that documentary you watched. Waypoints We’ve slightly updated the waypoints. Instead of them scattering around everywhere, they’re much more localised to the area you operate in, and have clearer indications of exactly what they point to. Galaxy Map We’ve slightly tweaked the Galaxy Map again too! We put the options behind a slider (cleverly disguised as PUG-Z) and made it all just a little tidier.

Also, instead of a white 2D rocket, a micro-build of PUG-Z flies around the planet you are now on. New Landscape Tool shapes We’ve added a few new shapes to the Landscape tools, to further improve just how you edit your Worlds! Press the ‘Shape’ button while you have a Landscape tool open to see all the new options you have at hand! Copy Tool We’ve made an alteration to how the Copy Tool functions on Controller. You can still choose an exact size, but we’ve also added a nice and simple ‘Hold to expand’ option instead of opening up the box with multiple options. OK, so that covers the major features, and with Monsters on the way, you should be kept busy until we roll out the final update of 2017 and run headfirst into 2018. Oh and for 2018, let us tell you, that will be well worth keeping an eye on.

A few features that have been discussed before will finally live.LIVE WE SAY!!! Detailed patch notes:. UI Alterations – v4.0. Added option to delete Custom Characters and Models. Able to Bulk sell to trader.

Multiple Localisation Text Box overlaps. Fixed instances where re-naming Builds would be blocked.

Added “Memory” to Brushes, so opening a tool remembers previous tool selection. Adventure Worlds now load in Sandbox Mode correctly. SWITCH: Draw Distance altered to show higher fidelity in mid-range. Added Planner. Added Wall Building.


Search Feature added to Discoveries. Categories added to Discoveries. Added the Sky Spinner (Changes Time of Day). Game now loads into Galaxy Map without needing to reload Slot. Posted: 14 December This game could either be an amazing experience for you, or a boring childrens toy game.

For me, I freaking love it, but I grew up with lego, and I am a hardcore builder. You may want to avoid this game if you want character developement, romance and other story type things, but absolutely get this game if you like adding your own character developement, romance and other story type things to your own world, that you built. This game has technically limitless capabilities (Of course it would be better if there was more mechanical engineering, like in Scrap Mechanic, another amazing open-world sandbox game).

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One last thing: Get this game on sale. I think this game is worth 30, maybe even 40 dollars, But chances are, you don't.