Winchester Gun Safe Serial Number Lookup
Your safe’s serial number is in your Owner’s Manual and on the inside of door (near locking bolts) If you need the serial number and cannot access your Manual or the inside of your safe, your serial number can be found in one of three different places on the outside of the safe, depending on when it was manufactured. Looking at the front of the safe, check the bottom right hand corner on the hinge side for a serial number label. If no label is present, check the safe body’s side or back of the safe. When checking the back of the safe, you may need to use a mirror and flashlight. (Serial numbers placed on the back of the safe are most frequently placed on the top corner opposite the hinge side.).
If your safe is damaged in a fire or burglary attack, please download the fill it out and follow the instructions. Do not be alarmed if your keypad has melted off, or if you see the Palusol® seal expanded. It is designed to expand in a fire to seal the safe off as a barrier to heat and smoke.
This is a good indicator that your valuables inside are safe. Submit your form to initiate the process, and with a registered warranty, we will send a locksmith to open your damaged safe, replace your damaged safe with a same or equal value model and deliver it to your curb — all free of charge. That’s the Winchester Guarantee. No, they will not have access to your safe.
The keypad is just a power source that transmits the combination code to the lock inside the safe. Your code is stored in the lock body on the inside of the safe.
Winchester Safe Serial Number Guide
If a thief attempts to punch through your lock, internal and external relockers will fire, securing your solid steel bolts in place. Even if someone puts a new keypad on your, safe they will not be able to open your safe without your combination. The lock has a non-volatile memory, so it will retain the last programmed code you have entered regardless of replacing the keypad or battery.