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Android Studio is the official IDE for Android development, and includeseverything you need to build Android apps.To get the latest version, click Help Check for updates( Android Studio Check for updates on macOS).You can also.If you encounter problems in Android Studio, check theorpage.For the latest news on releases, including a list of notable fixes in eachpreview release, see the.For information on what’s new in the Android Plugin for Gradle, see its. 3.5 (August 2019)Android Studio 3.5 is a major release and a result of Project Marble. Beginningwith the release of,the Project Marble initiative has spanned multiple releases that focus onimproving three main areas of the IDE:, andfixing bugs.For information about these and other Project Marble updates, read theor the sections below.We also want to thank all of ourwho have helped with this release.
Project Marble: System healthThis section describes the changes in Android Studio 3.5 that are focused onimproving system health. Recommended memory settingsAndroid Studio now notifies you if it detects that you could improve performanceby increasing the maximum amount of RAM that your OS should allocate for AndroidStudio processes, such as the core IDE, Gradle daemon, and Kotlin daemon. Youcan either accept the recommended settings by clicking the action link in thenotification, or you can adjust these settings manually by selecting File Settings (or Android Studio Preferences on macOS), and then finding theMemory Settings section under Appearance & Behavior System Settings.To learn more, see.A notification about recommended memory settings. Memory usage reportMemory problems in Android Studio are sometimes difficult to reproduce andreport. To help solve this problem, Android Studio lets you generate a memoryusage report by clicking Help Analyze Memory Usage from the menu bar. Whenyou do so, the IDE locally sanitizes the data for personal information beforeasking whether you want to send it to the Android Studio team to help identifythe source of the memory issues. To learn more, see.A memory usage report.
Windows: Antivirus file I/O optimizationAndroid Studio now automatically checks whether certain project directories areexcluded from real-time antivirus scanning. When adjustments can be made toimprove build performance, Android Studio notifies you and provides instructionson how to optimize your antivirus configuration. To learn more, see.
Project Marble: Feature polishThis section describes the changes in Android Studio 3.5 that are focused onimproving existing features. Apply ChangesApply Changes lets you push code and resource changes to your running appwithout restarting your app—and, in some cases, without restarting the currentactivity. Apply Changes implements a completely new approach for preserving yourapp’s state. Unlike Instant Run, which rewrote the bytecode of your APK, ApplyChanges redefines classes on the fly by leveraging the runtime instrumentationsupported in Android 8.0 (API level 26) or higher.To learn more, see.The toolbar buttons for Apply Changes.
App deployment flowThe IDE has a new drop-down menu that lets you quickly select which device you'dlike to deploy your app to. This menu also includes a new option that lets yourun your app on multiple devices at once.Target device drop-down menu. Improved Gradle sync and cache detectionThe IDE now better detects when Gradle periodically clears your build cache whenreducing its hard disk consumption. In previous versions, this state caused theIDE to report missing dependencies and Gradle sync to fail. Now, the IDE simplydownloads dependencies as needed to ensure that Gradle sync completessuccessfully. Improved build error outputThe Buildwindow now provides better error reporting, such as a link to the file and lineof the reported error, for the following build processes:. AAPT compilation and linking.
R8 and ProGuard. Dexing. Resource merging. XML file parsing. Javac, Kotlinc, and CMake compilationProject UpgradesImproved update experience to provide more information and actions to help youupdate the IDE and the Android Gradle plugin. For example, more sync and builderrors include actions to help you mitigate errors when updating.It’s important to keep in mind, you can update the IDE independently of othercomponents, such as the Android Gradle plugin.
So, you can safely update the IDEas soon as a newer version is available, and update other components later. Layout EditorAndroid Studio 3.5 includes several improvements to layout visualization,management, and interaction.When working with ConstraintLayout, a new Constraints section in theAttributes panel lists the constraints relationships of the selected UIcomponent. You can select a constraint either from the design surface or fromthe constraints list to highlight the constraint in both areas.Constraint relationships for a selected UI element.Similarly, you can now delete a constraint by selecting it and pressing theDelete key. You can also delete a constraint by holding the Control key( Command on macOS) and clicking on the constraint anchor.
Note that when youhold the Control or Command key and hover over an anchor, any associatedconstraints turn red to indicate that you can click to delete them.When a view is selected, you can create a constraint by clicking on any of the+ icons in the Constraint Widget section of the Attributes panel, asshown in the following image. When you create a new constraint, the LayoutEditor now selects and highlights the constraint, providing immediate visualfeedback for what you've just added.Using the constraint widget to create constraints.When creating a constraint, the Layout Editor now shows only the eligible anchorpoints to which you can constrain. Previously, the Layout Editor highlighted allanchor points on all views, regardless of whether you could constrain to them.In addition, a blue overlay now highlights the target of the constraint. Thishighlighting is particularly useful when attempting to constrain to a componentthat overlaps with another.Creating a constraint for an overlapping component inAndroid Studio 3.4.Creating a constraint for an overlapping component inAndroid Studio 3.5.In addition to the above updates, Android Studio 3.5 also contains the followingLayout Editor improvements:. The Constraint Widget and default margin drop-down now allow you to usedimension resources for margins.
Right click and copy it, then paste the key file into the Data folder created from step 7.9. Now the Asus ROG license files are in place, it’s time to download the kaspersky antivirus setup installer from the Kaspersky website. Then simply install the package as usual, it probably makes no difference whether you choose to participate in the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN). You MUST download the update installer which the link here only ( ) and NOT the trial installer or it won’t work and you will only get 30 days. Inside you will find the Kaspersky license file with a name of 1AA7CD13.key. Digital signature of installation files is missing kaspersky 2014.
In the Layout Editor toolbar, the list of devices that determine the size ofthe design surface has been updated. In addition, snapping behavior whileresizing has been improved, and the resizing handles on the design surface arenow always visible.
When resizing, new overlays appear that show common devicesizes. The Layout Editor has a new color scheme that improves consistency and reducescontrast between components, text, and constraints.
Blueprint mode now includes text support for some components where text wasn'tbeing shown.For more information about these changes, see. Data BindingIn addition to addingfor Data Binding, the IDE improves smart editor features and performancewhen creating data binding expressions in XML.Code editor performance on Android Studio 3.4.Improved code editing performance on Android Studio3.5. Improved support for C/C projectsAndroid Studio 3.5 includes several changes that improve support for C/Cprojects. Build Variants panel improvements for single variant syncYou can now specify both the active build variant and active ABI in theBuild Variants panel. This feature simplifies build configuration per moduleand can also improve Gradle sync performance.To learn more, see.The Build Variants panel with single variant selection byABI. Side-by-side versions of the NDKYou can now use multiple versions of the NDK side-by-side. This feature givesyou more flexibility when configuring your projects—for example, if you haveprojects that use different versions of the NDK on the same machine.If your project uses Android Gradle plugin 3.5.0 or higher, you can also specifythe version of the NDK that each module in your project should use.
You can usethis feature to create reproducible builds and to mitigate incompatibilitiesbetween NDK versions and the Android Gradle plugin.To learn more, see. Chrome OS SupportAndroid Studio now officially supports Chrome OS devices, such as the HPChromebook x360 14, Acer Chromebook 13/Spin 13, and others that you can readabout in the.
To get started,on your compatible Chrome OS device andfollow the. 3.4.2 (July 2019)This minor update includes various bug fixes and performance improvements.To see a list of noteable bug fixes, read the related post on the.3.4.1 (May 2019)This minor update includes various bug fixes and performance improvements.To see a list of noteable bug fixes, read the related post on the.3.4.0 known issues.Profiling is disabled when deploying your app to a devicerunning Android Q Beta. When using the Data Binding Library,LiveDataListener.onChanged might fail with a NPE. A fixfor this issue will be included in Android Studio 3.4.1 and is alreadyavailable in the latestof Android Studio 3.5.(See )IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.4The core Android Studio IDE has been updated with improvements from IntelliJIDEA through the.
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Android Gradle plugin 3.4.0 updatesFor information on what’s new in Android Gradle plugin 3.4.0, see its. New Project Structure DialogThe new Project Structure Dialog (PSD) makes it easier to updatedependencies and configure different aspects of your project, such as modules,build variants, signing configurations, and build variables.You can open the PSD by selecting File Project Structure from the menubar. You can also open the PSD by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S on Windows andLinux, or Command+; (semicolon) on macOS. You can find descriptions of some ofthe new and updated sections of the PSD below.
VariablesThe new variables section of the PSD allows you to create and manage buildvariables, such as those to keep version numbers for dependencies consistentacross your project. Quickly view and edit build variables that already exist in your project’sGradle build scripts. Add new build variables at a project- or module-level directly from the PSD.Note: If your existing build configuration files assign values through complexGroovy scripts, you may not be able to edit those values through the PSD.Additionally, you can not edit build files written in Kotlin using the PSD. ModulesConfigure properties that are applied to all build variants in an existingmodule or add new modules to your project from the Modules section. Forexample, this is where you can configure defaultConfig properties or managesigning configurations.
3.1.4 (August 2018)This update to Android Studio 3.1 includes the following changes and fixes:.The bundled Kotlin is now version 1.2.50.New projects are created with kotlin-stdlib-jdk. artifacts,rather than with kotlin-stdlib-jre.
artifacts, which aredeprecated.R8 parsing of ProGuard rules has been improved.The following bugs have been fixed:.Attempting to run the Kotlin Main class failed with an error:'Error: Could not find or load main class.' .R8 entered an infinite loop while performing certain optimizations.Using the Rerun failed tests command in the Run windowsometimes incorrectly returned the message 'No tests were found'.D8 did not correctly handle invoke-virtual instances,causing a crash with a VerifyError:invoke-super/virtual can't be used on private method.The Data Binding compiler was depending on an old version The compiler now usestools annotations from the base project when available.Android Studio crashed during fragment transitions when usingprofilers.The debugger crashed when debugging a layout with a text box.D8 failed to read some ZIP files with special characters.3.1.3 (June 2018)This update to Android Studio 3.1 includes fixes for the following bugs:.
Memory leaks caused Android Studio to become slow and unresponsiveafter you had been using the Layout Editor. This update includes fixesfor most of these issues. Layout EditorThe Palette in thehas received many improvements:.
Reorganization of categories for views and layouts. New Common category for views and layouts, which you can add to with aFavorite command. Improved. New commands forfor a specific view or layout element.You can use the newcommand in the Component tree or design editor to convert a view or layoutto another type of view or layout.You can now easily create constraints to items near the selected view using thenew Create a connectionbuttons in the view inspector at the top of the Attributes window.
Run and Instant RunThe behavior of the Use same selection for future launches option in theSelect deployment target dialog has been made more consistent. If the Usesame selection option is enabled, then the Select deployment targetdialog opens only the first time that you use the Run command until theselected device is no longer connected.When targeting a device running Android 8.0 (API level 26) or higher, can deploy changes to resources withoutcausing an application restart. This is possible because the resources arecontained in a split APK. 2.2.3 (December 2016)This is a minor update to Android Studio 2.2. It includes a bug fixesfocused around gradle, the core IDE, and lint.Highlighted build changes:. ProGuard version rollback.
Due to adiscovered in ProGuard 5.3.1, we have rolled back to ProGuard 5.2.1. Wehave worked with the ProGuard team on getting a fix quickly, and we expectto roll forward to ProGuard 5.3.2 in Android Studio 2.3 Canary 3. Bug fix for aaptOptions IgnoreAssetsPatternnot working properly. Bug fix for Gradle autodownload for Constraint Layout library. Bug fix for a JDK8/Kotlin compiler + dx issue.
All new with tools custom-built to support. New lets you examine snapshots of your layout hierarchywhile your app is running on the emulator or a device. Newwindow to help you integrate Firebase services into your app. New tool so you can inspect the contents of your packagedapp. New tool (currently in beta) to help you create UI tests byrecording your own interactions.
New(currently experimental) to speed up build performance. New C/C build integration with CMake and ndk-build.Compile and build new or existing native code into libraries packaged intoyour APK, and debug using lldb. For new projects, Android Studio uses CMakeby default, but also supports ndk-build for existing projects. To learn howto include native code in your Android application, read. To learn how to debug native code with lldb, see. New so you can easily look up Google Android sample codefrom within Android Studio to jump start app development.
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New Merged Manifest Viewer to help you diagnose how yourmanifest file merges with your app dependencies across project buildvariants. The Run window now contains log messages for the currentrunning app. Note that you can configure the display, but not theRun window.
New features:. Added new Virtual Sensors andCellular Signal Strength controls. Added an LTE option to the Cellular Network type control. Added simulated vertical swipes for scrolling through vertical menuswith a mouse wheel.
New features:. The Debugger tab of the Android App and AndroidTests templates now contain several new options for debugging with LLDB. The Profiling tab of the Android App and AndroidTests templates now contain a Capture GPU Commandsoption for enabling GPU tracing. You can display GPU traces in the GPUDebugger (a beta feature). The Android Tests template now has a Firebase Test Lab DeviceMatrix option for the Deployment Target. The Native Application template has been deprecated. If you use thistemplate in a project, Android Studio automatically converts it to theAndroid App template.
The Android Application template has been renamed to Android App. Improved installation, configuration, performance, and UI features in the(currently in beta). Android Studio now comes bundled with OpenJDK 8.Existing projects still use the JDK specified in File ProjectStructure SDK Location. 2.1.1 (May 2016)Security release update.The Android N platform adds support for, whichrequire a new experimental compiler called Jack. The latest version of Jack iscurrently supported only in Android Studio 2.1.