Trx 12 Week Program Pdf
12 Week Bodybuilding / Strength Training Workout Program12 Week Workout ProgramBy Lee HaywardI get a lot of e-mail from people asking me all sorts of exercise related questions such as:- How many days per week should I workout?- How many exercises should I do for each body part?- How many sets and reps should I do?- Should I lift heavy weights / low reps or light weights / high reps?- How often should I train each body part?- Etc. Etc.In this article I will cover these questions and lay out a 12 week workout program that you can follow to make some good progress. And hopefully I will clear up some of the confusion about working out.There is really no right or wrong way to workout. You could ask 10 different bodybuilders to explain their workout routine and most likely you would get 10 different answers.' Everything works, but nothing works forever.' That is probably the most important thing to remember for making consistent progress with your workouts.
You can follow most any type of workout routine and you will make good progress for the first few weeks (provided that you are getting adequate nutrition, rest, etc.). But generally after a few weeks of following a set workout program your progress will slow down and eventually you will no longer make progress with that routine.Our bodies are very smart and naturally accommodate to stress. Your body will add as little muscle as necessary to get the job done. This is why construction workers get only big enough to handle the exact amount of work they do during a days work and no bigger, even though they are doing physical work all day long.Adding muscle is a very unnatural thing to your body.
You must constantly throw 'curve balls' at your muscles to get them to grow. Generally, you will make the best progress for the first 3 weeks of starting a new workout routine. After 3 weeks your body starts to adapt and your progress will slow down.In the following workout routine I have placed 4 different, 3-week workout cycles back to back in order to make a 12 week workout program.This program requires you to workout 4 days per week. Ideally you would workout on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Trx 12 Week Program Pdf
And rest on Wednesday's and weekends. But if this doesn't fit your schedule you can workout on other days of the week. Just make sure that you do not workout for more then 2 days in a row before taking a day off.By doing this you will give your body plenty of time for recuperation and muscle growth.
Trx 12 Week Program Pdf Printable
Muscles do not grow while you are working out; they grow while you are resting. Karma tv serial all episodes download. Working out will stress and damage the muscles slightly. Then your body reacts by building up the muscles in order to handle the extra work and stress.Note:With each of the exercises do as many warm up sets as you need to get to your top working weight. Then perform the required sets and reps with the same weight.For example:So let’s just say your top weight for 5 sets of 5 reps is 100 lbs.- Do one warm up set with 50 lbs.- Do another warm up with 75 lbs.- Then go to your top weight of 100 lbs.
And perform 5 x 5 with 100 lbs.If you get all 5 x 5 with good form, then up the weight to 105 lbs.